Python: Type() and Factorials


In Python the Type() function gives us the type of a specific object with in the code that we have typed, for example:


a = ('Autobot', 'Decepticon', 'Human')

b = "Hello there!"

c = 66

x = type(a)

y = type(b)

z = type(c)





<class 'tuple'> 

<class 'str'> 

<class 'int'>

As you can see we have now identified what the types are for each object which A is a Tuple, B a String and C an Integer. 


In python the math.factorial method allows you to return the factorial of a number but bare in mind that this method will only accept positive Integers. The Factorial of a number is the sum of the multiplication of the whole numbers from the number we specify down to 1. For example the factorial of 5 would be 5x4x3x2x1= 120.

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